
Feng Zhang

Feng Zhang is a neuroscientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.[1]He specializes in genetic engineering and optogenetics.[2]He won the Gairdner Foundation International Award in 2016.[1]

Feng Zhang is a molecular biologist who has contributed to the development of multiple molecular tools to accelerate our understanding of human disease and create new therapeutic modalities.[3]He is at the Broad Institute and is a professor of neuroscience at the McGovern Institute for Brain Research.[4]He is one of the developers of CRISPR gene editing, and he has major concerns about using the technique on human embryos at this point.[5]He has obtained over 20 issued patents as co-inventor, and subsequently modified the CRISPR system for gene and cell therapy, leading to one of the first FDA-approved clinical trials employing viral delivery of CRISPR/Cas9 for in vivo gene therapy.[6]He has pioneered the development of genome editing tools for use in eukaryotic cells — including human cells — from natural microbial CRISPR systems.[7]He has co-authored multiple publications on optogenetics and is a co-inventor on several patents related to this technology.[8]

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Massachusetts Institute of Technology


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Recent events

Experts exchange views on future of AI as Putuo proves a magnet for smart technology

"Shanghai has been increasing its strategic layout in AI since the 2018 World Artificial Intelligence Conference," Zhang Ying, chief engineer of the Shanghai Commission of Economy and Information, told the forum. The city has been driving breakthroughs in policy innovation, and launched the nation's first AI innovative application demonstration zone. Shanghai has become one of the leading regions for AI development in China, he said. In the next stage, the city will start building a batch of AI research centers and platforms as well as release China's first AI application development blueprint.[56]


Event Date

How Five Thousand Mainland Communist Spies Have Infiltrated Taiwan’s Military

In recent years, a number of Chinese espionage cases have been exposed, highlighting the fact that Taiwan's political, economic, military, social and other institutions have been seriously infiltrated by Chinese Communist Party spies. The Taiwan National Security Bureau has estimated that the CCP has about 5,000 spies in Taiwan. Between 2016 and 2018, Mr. Zhang, the supervisor of the company and his partner, Mr. Lin, were suspected of having used several contracts from the Ministry of National Defense to assist the CCP in spying and collecting information about national electronics, cyber warfare, and other national defense secrets, and even recruiting National Army personnel as spies to expand the CCP's spy organizations. The Defense Department of the Ministry of National Defense stated that CCP intelligence units recruit military members through the two channels of overseas and the mainland.[55]


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CRISPR Upgrade Uses ‘Jumping Genes’ To Directly Insert DNA

Feng Zhang of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has developed a whole new approach based on transposons, also known as jumping genes. These extremely selfish genes do nothing but copy and paste themselves from one part of the genome to another using enzymes called transposases. These genetic parasites are extremely common: more than half of our genome consists of now-defunct jumping genes. It was recently discovered that a few jumping genes have hijacked the CRISPR systems that bacteria use to defend against viruses.[57]


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    Experts exchange views on future of AI as Putuo proves a magnet for smart technology2019-08-26