
Christopher J Gobler

Christopher J Gobler is a marine biologist at Stony Brook University.[12]He specializes in oceanography and marine ecology.[34]

Stony Brook University professor Christopher Gobler is a marine biologist in the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences.[5]He has previously published studies on the negative effects of high acidity and low oxygen on clams, scallops, oysters, mussels and small schooling fish.[5]His finding, along with measurements from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation of toxins in shellfish in the bay, have caused the recent closure of shellfishing in the bay for the fourth time in seven years.[6]He grew up enjoying swimming on Long Island's ocean beaches, fishing on the East End, and sailing on the Long Island Sound.[7]On Friday Dr. Gobler received an Environmental Champion award, which recognizes individuals dedicated to protecting public health and the environment in New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.[8]He also helped to develop the Long Island Nitrogen Action Plan and is working with Suffolk County to address how septic systems and cesspools are contributing to the area's nitrogen pollution problem.[8]

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Stony Brook University


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Recent events

Water Talk Wednesday With Accabonac Protection Committee

The Accabonac Protection Committee will host its next online forum, featuring Christopher Gobler, an expert in water contaminants, and Alison Branco, who specializes in sea level rise, on Tuesday at 6 p.m. Dr. Gobler will discuss how nutrients like nitrogen, as well as abundant contaminants, “are entering both our underwater aquifer system, from which our drinking water is drawn, as well as our surface water bodies, including Accabonac Harbor,” according to the committee.[9]


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Toxic ‘Rust Tide’ Returns, Raising Fears For Scallop Stocks

Water temperatures already pushing into the 80s in the bays have created the “sweet spot” that the particular algae species that causes rust tides thrives in, according to Stony Brook University scientist Dr. Christopher Gobler. “I have seen firsthand how these blooms can devastate our bay scallop crops and it would be a shame to have a repeat of last year’s major die-off event.”[10]


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